At Powerhouse Truckbeds and Trailers, we aim to prevent problems before they happen. We use the latest vehicle diagnostic technologies and the highest quality parts for servicing and repairs. We provide custom welding and accessories. Whatever you need, we have the skills to do it right.
You’re a busy person — don’t let vehicle problems get in your way. Powerhouse Truckbeds and Trailers has the proper equipment and experience to locate, repair and/or replace the issue quickly and effectively.
At Powerhouse Truckbeds and Trailers, from custom tool cages to custom grills, from bearings, belts, lights and everything in-between, we stock the accessories you need!
Our battery test services are what set us apart from other mechanics. Making your vehicle work harder than it needs to will shorten its life. Drop it off with the pros at Powerhouse Truckbeds and Trailers today. We know what to do. From fluid checks to roadside assistance, we can take care of everything you need.